Presidents Message December 2020
7 Dec
Hello IOP Residents,
Thanksgiving has passed us by. Hopefully everyone remained safe and healthy while enjoying the holiday
with friends and family. Now we are heading into a busy month of shopping, social events, lights, cooler
weather, and holiday festvites. Remember that some people are not as fortunate as others. If you can help
another person out, please take the tme or make the donaton to do so.
Let’s start of with a boat parade around LMJ December ϭϭth startng around ϳPM. If you live on the lake and
don’t want to go for a boat ride, please decorate your dock and come down to support the parade. Next, is
the Christmas Dinner with a probable Santa sightng Sunday the ϭϯth. The Christmas Dinner event goes from
ϱ-ϵPM. Deep fried turkey will be the main staple with several additons. We will need volunteers to cook
turkeys, prepare, and serve food. Please do not bring any food. If you are healthy and can help, please
contact Daniel ;realtordanielhartΛgmail.comͿ. If you are not a member yet, don’t miss out, join and come
see what it’s all about.
We will have an IOP membership driveͬ Board Electionͬ Chili cook-of January Ϯϯ from ϰ-ϴpm. Here is your
opportunity to become a member at a discounted rate, meet your neighbors, eat award-winning chili, update
your registration information, and vote for the ϮϬϮϭ board members. Be on the lookout for more details in
the next newsletter or on the IOP Facebook-Event page.
During our November Board meeting the topic of late-night airboat traffic in the park was discussed. With
the airboat group present at the meeting, we were able to solidify ground rules for the use of airboats in the
park that align with our existing park rules. Airboats can be launched and retrieved at the west end of the
park ;on the grassͿ during daylight hours ;dawn to duskͿ. During daylight loading and unloading operations,
they will make a conscious effort to be expedient and operate as quiet as possible. All other times, they will
be required to use the concrete boat ramp during launch and retrieval activities. To provide clarity to the
community and airboaters of the park rule’s, park signage has been
added stating: Airboat Ramp From Dawn to Dusk.
Last topic to bring to everyone’s attention. With the weather cooling
of and more people exercising outside, the backroads ;North and
South of CapriͿ are not a drag strip or racetrack for any type of
vehicle ;ϰ-wheeler, dirt bike, side-by-side, motorcycle, car, or truck.
The speed limit is Ϯϱmph everywhere in the IOP except for LMJ Rd.,
which is ϯϱmph. Please-Take a deep breath, relax, think clearly, be
responsible, and slow down.
IOP-Stay cool, safe, alert, healthy, friendly, small and slow down.