Presidents Message December-January

22 Nov

I hope everyone is doing well and that you are enjoying the cooler weather!
Thankfully, we have made it through another hurricane season with very little impact. I appreciate those
who assisted with clearing debris from the roads and neighboring yards. I would also like to thank Tim
Eshleman for helping to clean up the boat ramp and Zachary Burr from the Boy Scouts for making benches
for the park.
I hope everyone had a great time on Halloween. We have some wonderful events coming up. Our
Christmas Party will be at the park on December 15th. As always, Santa and our friends from Fire Station
77 will be there. If you would like Santa to give a present to your child, please drop off a SMALL
wrapped gift to the Aikins residence (14432 Conifer Dr.) by the end of day on December 14. Please
be sure to write their name on the gift with a black marker so that it is easy to read. Just a reminder, this is
a member only event. Additionally, our Membership Drive and Chili Cook Off will bewe on Saturday,
January 18. Our current members can renew their membership and we would love for new members to
take this opportunity to join as well. See the membership drive and payment information on pages 2 and 3
of this Newsletter. Look on Facebook for more details about upcoming events.
We will be accepting new bids for the park services, newsletter, website management, lawn care, etc.
Please submit your bids via the IOP website ( by the end of January

Presidents Message October

6 Sep

I hope that everyone had a great Labor Day!
It is wonderful to see the kids back in the swing of things with school. Please remember to be extra cautious when driving in the neighborhood. I continue to see folks speeding during the times when kids are picked up and dropped off, which if very concerning.
As I am sure you are aware, this continues to be a very active storm and hurricane season. Please be sure to take time to gather needed supplies should you need it during power outages, etc. A special thanks to Zachary Berr for his recent presentation and his commitment to building three benches for our park. This will help him to fulfill his Eagle Scout requirements.
Our Halloween event will be here before you know it. Always a fun time for the kids and the adults! Details are provided on the cover page. Also, just a reminder, we will have our annual yard sale in November – date to be determined.
Be safe and thank you,

Presidents Message September -October

11 Aug

I hope everyone enjoyed their Summer. We are getting back into the swing of things with school so please use extra caution as you are driving through the neighborhood, especially as children are being picked up and dropped off. Please allow extra time to get to where you are going as in the past, we have had multiple complaints of vehicles passing the bus while it is stopped for children.
Last month we had another amazing 4th of July celebration. Special thanks to the volunteers and to those who provide delicious food for all to enjoy! Also, a big thank you to the fire department and to those who financially contributed to the fire works show! Your support is very much appreciated.
I hope everyone is enjoying the new and improved boat ramp. I appreciated everyone’s patience as we worked to get it fixed. Also, thank you to Gary Fishman and Billy Akos for grinding down the pine knots in the park. As we know, we are still in the midst of Hurricane Season so please be sure to take time to prepare.
Looking ahead, the Halloween party is scheduled for Saturday, October 26th. I look forward to another fun event for our residents and the kids. Details regarding the party are on the cover of this newsletter and will be on Facebook.
As always, be safe and take care.

Presidents Message June-July

10 Jun

no message this month

Presidents Message April/May 2024

29 May

Hello Everyone
We are looking forward to a fun summer in the Isle Of Pines.
We have the Fathers Day Fishing Tournament coming up on the 16th of June and that will be run by Al Eastburn and Mike Preston. They are always looking
for volunteers so reach out to one of them if you are able to help. There will also be a fly in on the lake at the grassy island Saturday June 22.
If you have never been a part of it, its amazing.
Nikki Rock threw another excellent Easter event. Thank you Nikki, and i would like to also give a special thanks to everyone who volunteered
their time. I cannot stress this enough, but we can not do this without volunteers. We congratulate those egg hunt age group winners:
0-3 Everly Dowling:4-6 Savannah Akos: 7-10 Nora Starcher: 11-17 Kason Reed and the adult winner (second year in a row) Rachel McIntee.

Warm Regards


Presidents Message February/March 2024

15 Feb

Greetings Everyone,

First, I would like to thank everyone that came out for the chili cookoff and membership drive, we had a great turnout! I would like to also give a special thanks to everyone that volunteered their help. This year we will have several events that will be coming up and we cannot do them without volunteers, so if you would like to help at any of these events, please reach out to any board member. We can really use the help.
Speaking of events, Nikki Rock will be running the Easter event again this year. It will be on March 30th, and we could use volunteers.
There has been a lot of vandalism at the park in the past few months, so please be on the lookout and let a board member know if you see anything.
I look forward to another great year in our community. We have several park improvement projects we are hoping to accomplish and another year of fun events!
Warm regards,

Presidents Message December-January

15 Dec

Hello everyone,
Hopefully everyone had a great time at the Christmas party! Thank you Daniel Hart and everyone that helped make it a great party, even with the rain. We would not be able to have these parties if it were not for the volunteers.
January 13th will be our yearly park clean up. We were not able to do the park clean up last year due to flooding so we will be asking for volunteers this year. The more that come out the quicker it goes.
January 20th will be our chili cook off and membership drive. There will be prizes for the winners. We are looking for volunteers to help with this so if you can help, please reach out to one of our board members.
I want to remind everyone that we will be taking bids for the following work at the park:
Bathroom Cleaning
Lawn Maintenance
Newsletter Editor
Newsletter Prep/Delivery
The bid forms are located under the community stuff tab on our website
The bids will be due by February 6th, 2024.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Presidents Message October-November

10 Oct

Hi everyone,
I hope everyone has had a great start to the school year! Please remember to watch for kids going to/from and waiting at
the bus stops.
Fall is finally here! We will be having our Halloween party on the 28th of October. I’m hoping to see everyone there this
year. Justin Mack has offered to head it up, but we are looking for volunteers. Please reach out to a board member if you
can do so.
We will be having our annual community rummage sale on the 3rd and 4th of November so start digging through your
Remember we are not out of the hurricane season yet. Make sure you are still stocked in supplies.
Many of you have already noticed but the boat ramp has finally been repaired. It has been a long time but thanks to all the
hard work from the community and the board we were able to get another large project off our list.
I would like to give a shout out to Pia Crawford for making the IOP stickers and hats. Pia has graciously donated the
proceeds to the IOP.
We will have a busy few months at the park. Halloween (Oct 28th), the community rummage sale (Nov 3rd & 4th),
Christmas (Dec 10th), the boat parade (Dec 15th) and the chili cook off in January. We hope to see you at all of them

Warm Regards

Presidents Message August 2023

15 Aug

I hope that everyone is doing well!
First, a big thanks to everyone who organized our 4th of July event/fireworks show, and to those who financially contributed to fireworks. I heard that it was one of the best. Shout-out to Jesse, Ryan, Billy, and Justin!!
Now that school is back in session, please take extra caution when driving in the neighborhood and area. I continue to see drivers speeding through the neighborhood. Please review school bus rules which is provided on the front page of the newsletter.
Also, just a reminder that the park gate needs to always remain closed and locked, unless you have booked the park for a special event.
Stay tuned for details on future events in upcoming newsletters.
Thank you and be safe!
Rick Smallish

Presidents Message July 2023

16 Jun


It is almost officially Summer, and we are in the midst of Hurricane Season. It is not expected to be a busy season, however, please take steps to prepare your home and property just in case.
I hope everyone enjoyed the Father’s Day Tournament. Thank you, Matt Rock, for organizing a great event! Our next event is July 4th, and we are still accepting donations for fireworks. Please make donations via Venmo to @Rachel-Dance-7 or you can give cash directly to Jesse Dance. I know that everyone very much enjoys this event, and it would be great to continue to have an amazing fireworks show! We have not received the level of donations as we have in the past, so please consider supporting.
Details regarding the 4th of July Parade and event at the park can be found in the newsletter and it will be posted on Facebook. The event will be a cookout and potluck style. Burgers and hot dogs will be provided, and we would appreciate if folks could bring side dishes. Let’s come together and make this the best 4th of July event yet!
Thank you everyone!
I look forward seeing you around.
Warm regards,