Presidents Message May/June 2021

18 May

Hello, IOP Residents.
Let’s start off with the Easter Event. It is really a great sight to see all the little
ankle-biters running around picking up eggs. It was refreshing to see all the new
and old faces smiling and socializing. The event was a huge success in part to
those that attended as well as the volunteers that planned and prepared the
morning of. Thanks to all those that participated and volunteered. If you missed it,
there are several more great events coming up.
Mother’s Day occurred a couple weeks ago. Hopefully you were able to plan
something special. They are all awesome and deserve a day to feel extra special.
This is a great day to surprise them with plane tickets to Hawaii…or celebrate the
day with a special gift from the heart. It’s a great way to say thanks and earn some
brownie points.
Our next event will be the Father’s Day fishing tournament (June 20th). The event
will be followed by Dana’s legendary fish fry. If you are a member, come on down
and support Dad’s doing “Dad stuff” and cheer him on. Be on the lookout for event
details in the newsletter.
One of our largest events, July 4th, is approaching. Last
year we had an incredible amount of donations towards
fireworks. We need your donations again this year as
firework prices have gone UP. There will be a Facebook
post asking for donations, so be on the lookout. You can
always hand me cash (easiest) or email me
( for Venmo information. This
year we are planning for a cook out/potluck style event.
The details will be in June’s newsletter. It is for members
only, so if you need assistance with signing up, reach out
to a board member or myself and we can make it
IOP-Stay cool, safe, alert, healthy, friendly, small and
slow down.

Presidents Message April 2021

15 Mar

Hello IOP Residents,
We are almost through the first quarter of 2021 already! Out with the cold and in with the cool weather. The flowers are blooming and the grass is growing. Take advantage of this time to get your outdoor improvement projects accomplished before the heat and rain take over. It’s also a good idea to be proactive and assess your property for the upcoming hurricane season (it’s just around the corner). Trim necessary trees and limbs, clear out your ditches and culverts to help with water flow, pick up some supplies, and get your equipment running in top-shape.
Members mark your calendars for the action-packed IOP Easter event at the park. This is a great time for all ages and I encourage all members, especially members with children, to come to the park on April 3rd (a Saturday) from 10-12pm. Dress up your little one and bring your camera for some lasting photos.

Presidents Message March 2021

16 Feb

Hello IOP Residents,
I have just been elected by the board to be your IOP President for 2021. Al Eastburn is our new Vice
President. Ed Moon is the Treasurer and Edgar Rodriguez is the Secretary. We also picked up 2 new board
members this year. Despite the many challenges of dealing with COVID-Last year was a productive year for
us, and I’d like to thank everyone who volunteered their time and effort to keep the IOP a great place to live
and play.
During the membership drive this year, we had the most registration activity that we’ve ever seen. It was
great seeing all the new residents and those that took a little break to come down and sign up. Your
continued membership and support make the IOP a little slice of Heaven in a busy and noisy world. Thank
you all for a great 2020, and I look forward to pursuing new opportunities with you in 2021.
Park clean-up is scheduled for March 6th from 9-12. We will provide donuts, juice, and coffee. The tasks
that we will be focusing on are raking the playground sand, trimming back some vegitation, cleaning the
pavilion, picking weeds, and picking up trash. Please try to set aside an hour or two to help. Many hands
make light work, so grab your shovels, rakes, and gloves and head to the park.
Easter is quickly approaching this year. Our event will be held on
April 3rd. Kids of all ages are welcome. There will be more
information in the next newsletter.
– Jesse Dance

Presidents Message January 2021

18 Jan

Hello IOP Residents,
I’d like to start off by thanking all of those that helped with the Christmas Dinner. It was a great event
that pulled together friends, neighbors, firetrucks, ambulances, and Santa and his elf arrived in the
back of an old truck. There was a well-attended boat parade a couple days prior to the Christmas
Dinner. My family enjoyed driving around at night to look at an increasing number of houses with
Christmas lights. Nice job IOP!
As we kick off the new year, I’d like to bring to your attention that the chili cookoff/membership drive
will take place on Jan. 23rd and will display some of IOP’s award winning chili. If you think you make a
mean chili, then make a pot and enter the chili competition during the membership drive. Sign up on/
before Jan. 23rd to receive a membership discount. More information is located on the front page of
the newsletter. If you are interested in becoming a board member or have questions on the bids, this
event will be the time to ask questions and sign up.
Bids for park upkeep (bathrooms, lawn care, website maintenance, newsletter editor, and newsletter
delivery) are open for submittal. If you are interested in any of the opportunities, please visit the
website (, print and fill out the forms, put in an
unmarked envelope and give to any board member. Submit all bids at the membership drive or any
time before February 2nd
Here’s to a Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2021 will be a great year for the IOP.
IOP-Stay cool, safe, alert, healthy, friendly, small and slow down.

Presidents Message December 2020

7 Dec

Hello IOP Residents,
Thanksgiving has passed us by. Hopefully everyone remained safe and healthy while enjoying the holiday
with friends and family. Now we are heading into a busy month of shopping, social events, lights, cooler
weather, and holiday festvites. Remember that some people are not as fortunate as others. If you can help
another person out, please take the tme or make the donaton to do so.
Let’s start of with a boat parade around LMJ December ϭϭth startng around ϳPM. If you live on the lake and
don’t want to go for a boat ride, please decorate your dock and come down to support the parade. Next, is
the Christmas Dinner with a probable Santa sightng Sunday the ϭϯth. The Christmas Dinner event goes from
ϱ-ϵPM. Deep fried turkey will be the main staple with several additons. We will need volunteers to cook
turkeys, prepare, and serve food. Please do not bring any food. If you are healthy and can help, please
contact Daniel ;realtordanielhartΛgmail.comͿ. If you are not a member yet, don’t miss out, join and come
see what it’s all about.
We will have an IOP membership driveͬ Board Electionͬ Chili cook-of January Ϯϯ from ϰ-ϴpm. Here is your
opportunity to become a member at a discounted rate, meet your neighbors, eat award-winning chili, update
your registration information, and vote for the ϮϬϮϭ board members. Be on the lookout for more details in
the next newsletter or on the IOP Facebook-Event page.
During our November Board meeting the topic of late-night airboat traffic in the park was discussed. With
the airboat group present at the meeting, we were able to solidify ground rules for the use of airboats in the
park that align with our existing park rules. Airboats can be launched and retrieved at the west end of the
park ;on the grassͿ during daylight hours ;dawn to duskͿ. During daylight loading and unloading operations,
they will make a conscious effort to be expedient and operate as quiet as possible. All other times, they will
be required to use the concrete boat ramp during launch and retrieval activities. To provide clarity to the
community and airboaters of the park rule’s, park signage has been
added stating: Airboat Ramp From Dawn to Dusk.
Last topic to bring to everyone’s attention. With the weather cooling
of and more people exercising outside, the backroads ;North and
South of CapriͿ are not a drag strip or racetrack for any type of
vehicle ;ϰ-wheeler, dirt bike, side-by-side, motorcycle, car, or truck.
The speed limit is Ϯϱmph everywhere in the IOP except for LMJ Rd.,
which is ϯϱmph. Please-Take a deep breath, relax, think clearly, be
responsible, and slow down.
IOP-Stay cool, safe, alert, healthy, friendly, small and slow down.

Presidents Message October 2020

19 Oct

The Labor Day even was a success. We all want to socialize with our neighbors and friends, but COVID has put a little damper on
our normal social activities. This was a way to say thanks to the members for their support during COVID times. To limit the size of
the group, food was prepared and served by volunteers in to-go dishes for members to pick-up and take home/safe place for
consumption. Thanks to Terry for organizing, Mike for cooking and all the volunteers that helped make it happen. The members
that RSVP’d, you made food purchasing/preparation easier with less waste (Thank You).
Halloween festivities will occur at the park. Additional details are provided in this newsletter. There will be an increase of little
kids running around on the streets. Please be alert and drive with caution. Remember to be safe and continue to follow the same
COVID practices that we have all been subjected to.
I’d like to inform the IOP community that we will be installing a little library. This was a donation from a resident, and we felt
would be put to good use. The concept is simple and if we can all be responsible, there will be a rotation of random donated books
for all ages to read. More information and pictures to come.
IOP members, there are several park improvements that we can accomplish during the upcoming cooler months. I have a list of
things that need to get done. If you are available and interested, please send me an email (
1. Boat ramp repair (assessment and quotes underway)
2. Repair/replace the beach seawall (need plans and estimates)
3. Pavilion/gazebo build by the beach (need plans and estimates)
4. Possible pavilion expansion (need plans and estimates)
5. Fix playground equipment—Brackets
6. Clear corner lot vegetation and trees for park expansion
7. Refurbish/Seal pavilion stage with new yellow stripes
8. R&R Plexi-glass on the park bulletin board (almost complete)
9. Clean up the park entrance (landscape)
10. Paint the wood parts of the dock
11. Paint basketball court lines
12. Paint shuffleboard court
13. Clean and reseal the pavilion kitchen siding
Lastly, it’s that time of year. Election time. I have witnessed and increase in
tension and ill-behavior in our neighborhood. It takes all types of people with
different beliefs to make the world go round. Let’s all be adults and be respectful
of others’ beliefs and property (Golden Rule). Presidents are only good for one or
two terms. We will all be friends and neighbors long after the election and will see
each other at park events for years to come.
IOP-Stay cool, safe, alert, healthy, friendly, small and slow down.
Here’s a list of events that are coming up:
• IOP has a fishing club. We meet on the first Sunday of each month. If you’d
like to join or want more details, contact Matt Rock
for more details.
• Halloween-We are looking for volunteers to help with the event. If yThe Labor Day even was a success. We all want to socialize with our neighbors and friends, but COVID has put a little damper on
our normal social activities. This was a way to say thanks to the members for their support during COVID times. To limit the size of
the group, food was prepared and served by volunteers in to-go dishes for members to pick-up and take home/safe place for
consumption. Thanks to Terry for organizing, Mike for cooking and all the volunteers that helped make it happen. The members
that RSVP’d, you made food purchasing/preparation easier with less waste (Thank You).
Halloween festivities will occur at the park. Additional details are provided in this newsletter. There will be an increase of little
kids running around on the streets. Please be alert and drive with caution. Remember to be safe and continue to follow the same
COVID practices that we have all been subjected to.
I’d like to inform the IOP community that we will be installing a little library. This was a donation from a resident, and we felt
would be put to good use. The concept is simple and if we can all be responsible, there will be a rotation of random donated books
for all ages to read. More information and pictures to come.
IOP members, there are several park improvements that we can accomplish during the upcoming cooler months. I have a list of
things that need to get done. If you are available and interested, please send me an email (
1. Boat ramp repair (assessment and quotes underway)
2. Repair/replace the beach seawall (need plans and estimates)
3. Pavilion/gazebo build by the beach (need plans and estimates)
4. Possible pavilion expansion (need plans and estimates)
5. Fix playground equipment—Brackets
6. Clear corner lot vegetation and trees for park expansion
7. Refurbish/Seal pavilion stage with new yellow stripes
8. R&R Plexi-glass on the park bulletin board (almost complete)
9. Clean up the park entrance (landscape)
10. Paint the wood parts of the dock
11. Paint basketball court lines
12. Paint shuffleboard court
13. Clean and reseal the pavilion kitchen siding
Lastly, it’s that time of year. Election time. I have witnessed and increase in
tension and ill-behavior in our neighborhood. It takes all types of people with
different beliefs to make the world go round. Let’s all be adults and be respectful
of others’ beliefs and property (Golden Rule). Presidents are only good for one or
two terms. We will all be friends and neighbors long after the election and will see
each other at park events for years to come.
IOP-Stay cool, safe, alert, healthy, friendly, small and slow down.
Here’s a list of events that are coming up:
• IOP has a fishing club. We meet on the first Sunday of each month. If you’d
like to join or want more details, contact Matt Rock
for more details.
• Halloween-We are looking for volunteers to help with the event. If you
are interested contactAl(
IOP Garage Sale-11/6 & 11/7 from 8AM-2PM

Presidents Message September 2020

13 Aug

It’s that time of year…. hurricane season. Please make sure you are prepared this season with not only the essential hurricane supplies, but also make sure your ditches are cleared out and haul off unwanted trash and debris. If you have a generator or chainsaw, make sure it is running correctly. Have basic replacement parts on hand like spark plugs, air & oil filters, oil, chains, and fresh gas. There are plenty of people that can help get your generator/chainsaws running if you’re having problems. Ask for help on our Facebook page or contact one of the board members in this newsletter.
We will be doing a Labor Day event this year (9/7 starting 5-9pm). IOP members will need to RSVP by 9/4 for a prepared meal ( Currently the event will be open to members only but may open to members and guests if COVID conditions improve. Additional details are provided in this newsletter and on the IOP Facebook page. Volunteers will be needed to prepare/serve food and clean up. If you are interested, please let Terry ( know.

IOP members, you can join the IOP fishing club! If you have a boat or know another member that has a boat and would like to take part in a friendly fishing tournament, then look no further. It’s also a great opportunity to meet likeminded neighbors and exchange lies…. I mean stories. If you are interested in joining, more details are in the newsletter or reach out to Matt Rock ( for additional club information.

We are looking for a member to volunteer to run the Halloween Event coming up 10/31. Never done it before…Don’t worry, we are able to help and answer any questions. If interested, please reach out to the board on our Facebook page or contact one of the board members in this newsletter. We will be watching the COVID situation and will announce event plans accordingly as the date gets closer.

IOP-Stay cool, safe, alert, healthy, friendly, small and slow down.

Here’s a list of events that are coming up:
• We are looking for two additional board members. If you are an active IOP member and are able to attend the board meetings (First Tuesday of every month 7pm@IOP Park) let me know (
• IOP has a fishing club. We meet on the first Sunday of each month. If you’d like to join or want more details, contact Matt Rock at for more details.
• Halloween is only a couple months away and we are looking for someone to run the event. If you are interested, contact me ( or feel free to attend our next board meeting (9/1 @ 7pm).

Presidents Message July 2020

21 Jul

Hello IOP Residents,
I wanted to start off by saying that I hope everyone is healthy and safe. Practice cleanliness and social
distancing and adhere to all Local, State and CDC recommended precautions and guidelines. We will be back
to normal as soon as safely possible.
July 4th went off with a BANG. I’d like to thank everyone for their donations for making it the biggest
fireworks show yet and those that help me during prep and setup. Station 77 did another great job escorting,
and the parade was well attended. Lastly, thanks to the few individuals that helped me clean the park the
week before the July 4th event.
We will be doing a Labor Day event this year (9/7 starting 5-9pm). IOP members will need to RSVP for the
event for a prepared meal ( Currently the event will be open to members only
but may open to members and guests if COVID conditions improve. There will be an online auction with all
proceeds going back into the IOP Park. More details will be provided in next month’s newsletter and on the
IOP Facebook page. Volunteers will be needed to prepare/serve food and clean up. If you are interested,
please let Terry ( know.
There are two additional things to mention. First is that there is an abundance of fawns running around in
the neighborhood. Please use caution when driving or walking as they scare easily. Also, their mothers are in
protective mode, so give them space while out for a walk. Secondly, school will be starting soon and there
will be kids at the bus stops before and after school. Please drive alert and do not speed on the neighborhood streets.
Here’s a list of events that are coming up:
• We are looking for two additional board members. If you are an
active IOP member and are able to attend the board meetings
(First Tuesday of every month 7pm@IOP Park) let me know
• IOP has a fishing club. We meet on the first Sunday of each
month. If you’d like to join or want more details, contact Matt
Rock at for more details.
• Halloween is only a couple months away and we are looking for
someone to run the event. If you are interested, contact me
( or feel free to attend our next board
meeting (8/4 @ 7pm).

Presidents Message June 2020

24 Jun

Hello IOP Residents,

I wanted to start of by saying that I hope everyone is healthy and safe. I know that
we are all in an odd and difficult time. We can and will get through this, but for now practice cleanliness and social
distancing to help stop the spread of the Corona Virus. Please adhere to all Local, State and CDC recommended
precautions and guidelines. We will be back to normal as soon as safely possible.
With the re-opening of the country in progress, we’ve removed most of the temporary restrictions at the
park, consistent with the latest guidance from Governor DeSantis and Orange County Mayor Demmings. Here’s what
has changed and what hasn’t.
• Social Distancing: Still in effect, although groups larger than ten people are now allowed as long as there is adequate space to maintain six feet of distance among people.
• Pavilion: The pavilion is still available for member use. We have added additional picnic tables for use, spreading them out to promote the required social distancing among families. Please don’t move the tables.
• Sanitizing: No change. We still have regular cleaning, but we are not sanitizing any of park equipment or facilities. Bring your own sanitizer to use as you like.
• Private Event Reservations: Private event reservations are back on. Keep the groups under 50 people and
obey all park/event rules. Bring your own sanitizer and practice social distancing
• Basketball Court and Playground Area: Available for use, consistent with the social distancing as required by
the state and county.
• Boat Ramp: The boat ramp will remain open, but we ask that people not congregate at the end of the dock or
under the pavilion.
July 4th is quickly approaching. There will be a parade leading into the
park. For everyone’s safety, food will not be served. We are also asking to limit
the event to members only. This will ensure that we all can maintain a safe and
comfortable distance apart. More details are included in the newsletter.
In preparation for the July 4th event, there will be a park clean-up happening
on June 27 from 8AM-12PM. If you are interested in helping to clean the
park, grab your gloves/rake/shovel/broom…etc. and come on down.
Several complaints have been made about speeding and observations that people aren’t locking the park gate behind them. Please obey the speed limits in
the neighborhood. From the IOP sign (heading south)-LMJ Rd is 35mph and all
side streets (including the back roads and 5-acre properties) are 25mph. There
is no reason to go faster than 35mph anywhere in the neighborhood. Slow
down. In regards to locking the gate…lock the gate every time you go in or out
of gate. Thanks in advance.

Presidents Message April/May 2020

21 May

I wanted to start of by saying that I hope everyone is healthy and safe. I know that we are all in an
odd and difficult time. We can and will get through this, but for now please continue to practice
cleanliness and social distancing to help stop the spread of the Corona Virus. Thank you all for
adhering to all State and CDC recommended precautions and guidelines.
Given the situation we are in, the board has decided to take precautionary measures by limiting the
functionality of the park. The playground and basketball court has been closed and roped of. Half of
the benches under the pavilion have been stacked to limit the number of people that can sit at the
tables.The boat ramp will remain open, but we ask that people not congregate at the end of the
dock or under the pavilion. Please take note of the safety precautions and park rules below. Please
be respectful of these temporary rules as they will be lifted as soon as it is deemed safe to do so.

Though all events through May have been canceled, we are hopeful we will be able to begin hostng events again startng with the Father’s Day Fishing Tournament. We will be keeping a close eye on when we can get back to normal, and will take all necessary safety precautions and distancing practices as advised by current guidelines. There is a chance that we will have to cancel if things haven’t cleared up. I will let everyone know as the dates get closer. Finally, I would like thank everyone in this neighborhood for the thoughtful and generous acts that have made this situation easier on everyone. From grocery runs to sharing sanitizer and masks, swapping puzzles and keeping spirits high with signs and paintngs, our residents have looked out for each other and reminded us all what makes IOP such a unique and amazing place to live. To all our kind neighbors:
Thank you.

• COVID-19 WARNING :The park facilities are NOT Sanitized! Bring Your Own Sanitizer
• All groups or gatherings must be 10 People or Less
• Individuals in the park should be at least 6 Feet Apart (CDC and Presidential Guidelines)
• Temporary Closures of the Playground & Basketball Court are Effective Immediately
• Reference: State of Florida and Orange County COVID-19 Executive Orders State of Florida
Executive Order 20-91, 1 April 2020