President’s Message – October 2013

15 Oct

So long summer, hello fall….our Halloween Party is next on the agenda then the annual Community Yard sale, the Kids Fishing Tournament and should I mention Christmas so soon? We will be planning and pre-planning these wonderful IOP events. There are some IOP members that in the past have given a lot of time and energy to our events. As all of us get busy with other obligations we need to have others get involved. If you want the events that help bring our community together to continue, the time is now to get involved. Come help decorate for an event or help clean up, it only takes a little of your time.

Please remember to close and lock the gate after you enter the Park.

Last month before our meeting I found all the garbage cans full and placed on the counter under the pavilion, which then they were full of ants. Please help out as this is a volunteer association, we do not have garbage pickup or a designated per- son that does this.

Keep our neighborhood safe, slow down when you enter it and leave. Be aware of the school buses and the animals crossing the road.

It is great to have so many new people moving into our neighborhood we do have a unique neighborhood. I hope to meet all of you at the events.

Terry Aikens

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