Presidents Message December 2021
15 Nov
Hello IOP Residents. I hope that everyone had a great Halloween and will have a great Thanksgiving this year. Please mark your calendars for our Christmas Event happening on December 12th starting at 5PM. We will be deep frying a bunch of turkeys and serving buckets of mashed potatoes and buttered green beans. Members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. I talked to Santa and he will be coming down for the food, and to hand out presents to the kids of the IOP….but mostly for the amazing food We are also having a boat parade on 12/10 (Friday night) starting at 7pm. Talk to your neighbors and join by boat or observe from a dock on LMJ and be a part of the annual event. More information on the Christmas dinner and boat parade will be located in this newsletter and on the community Facebook page. If you’re new to the neighborhood or not a member, it’s not too late to join. Reach out to the board members inside the cover of the newsletter for information.
Changing gears a little. I want to inform everyone that I am stepping down from my position as President. It’s been an honor working with all of the board members and meeting all the great neighbors and friends in the IOP. We as a team have made big accomplishments to the betterment of the park and there are still more hurdles to knock down with a little sweat and determination. I will remain active and supportive in the park improvements and events for many years to come. Al Eastburn will be moving up for his Vice President position to become your new President for the remainder of the year and I will be assisting him during the transition. Dominique has moved up from being a board member into the role as Vice President. Please show your support for Al and Dominique in their new roles and let’s all keep the Isles of Pines a great place to live and play.
Hello Everyone
As Jesse stated I am taking over as President as Jesse can no longer be president. Would like to thank
Him for being president and the accomplishments while being such.
On another note I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and would to wish everyone a Merry
Christmas. Also just a heads up that come January will be our annual membership drive which details will be in the January newsletter. Also that is when ballots will be out for the 2022 IOPPOA Board.
We meet the first Tuesday of each month and the meeting normally lasts about an hour.
Thanks everyone for making the IOP a wonderful place to live and to raise families