Presidents Message December 2016
5 Dec
Hello Neighbors,
This will be my last newsletter as your 2016 IOPPOA President. I want to begin by thanking our outstanding team of board members for an incredible year of hard work and dedication to our community, as well as all the wonderful people who volunteered. You are all what makes our neighborhood so unique and special. I and our community appreciate all of your time.
2016 Accomplishments:
~New water filter system
~New enclosure for water filter system
~Sidewalk from pavilion to restrooms
~Basketball court extension (in progress)
~Approval and beginning stages of Dog Park
~Began research and surveys for traffic calming ideas
~Shawn Krzanik donated all plants, supplies, and his time to update the landscaping at the IOP entrance sign. Thank you Shawn!!!
~ Discussions of slight increase in dues to supplement fundraisers and future improvements to our community
We have our 2nd annual chili cook off kick off membership drive coming up in January. This was a really fun event and is expected to be even better this year!!! All are welcome to attend. Come meet your neighbors, enter your chili in contest, enjoy some chili and get a discounted membership. More details in this newsletter and future newsletters.
Thank you,
Terry Gardner
IOPPOA President