Archive by Author

President’s Message – July 2012

1 Jul

The IOPPOA is very fortunate to have active board members, without them and their time the IOPPOA would be the same as every other association that I hear about that don’t do anything for their members. Here are your involved IOPPOA board members:
Al Eastburn : Vice President, what would we do without Al, you can usually find as the grill master at events, corner marshal, and has served many years on the board.
Janet Herrera: Secretary, my effortless co-coordinator on the many events we provide.
Hugh Blair: Treasurer, which has various challenging situations and coordinator of the Triathlon.
Nikki Worcester and her other half John have swapped places for terms on the board, the whole family is very active providing our DJ and many delicious meals to our events.
Shawn Krzanik and his wife Ana will have brought us a family fun 4th of July again this year, along with working on our database for Trade Listing to Keep it in the Hood.
Domenique Lombardo is energetic in promoting our community.
Mike “Fisherman Mike” is a great worker bee; he puts in 110% effort in our events.
Jennifer Hislop joined the board this year and is working with me on the IOP history. Also her family has been corner marshals for the triathlon. Great participation!
Rene Fossey-Dary joined the board this year and actively participates in events, has great enthusiasm. Suzanne Arnold is so diverse and her values, compassion, humor and energy can always be counted on. Josh Harriger and has made improvements to the park with his handiness and his suggestions.
Josh Starcher has joined the board this year and has kept us up to date on our website and is working on improving it.
Dave Patenaude and his wife Tammy have been effortless in participating at many of our events.
Mindy Nodorft joined the board this year and shows her spirit of neighborliness.
Carloyn Bird has joined the board this year and has great suggestions and input for our community.
See you in the IOP!

Terry Aikens


President’s Message – June 2012

1 Jun

The 2012 IOPPOA Rajun Cajun was very successful this year. We had great attendance and many of the people that come have never missed one. I love to hear how enjoyable our neighborhood is and that they look forward to our event every year. I want to thank all the workers and the Crawfish Co of Central Fla for their commit- ment and expertise without them this event would not be a success. I especially would like to thank the volun- teers that help me out at the gate, they save me from the stampede of those so anxious to get to their favorite spot in the park.

The board has a committee that will look into doing repairs to the IOP Association amenities depending on quotes and necessity we may not do all of them at once but we feel that our fund raisers funds will be put to good use. The committee’s focus is getting the electric up to code and replace with commercial grade products. Providing a permanent cover for the well equipment. The pavilion roof is not leaking, but as far as anyone re- members it is the original roof. The retaining wall along the boat ramp replaced with new wood.

Come out to the Father’s Day Fishing tournament it is for all members. If you are interested in getting up early and fish either from the dock or from your boat. Or you can sleep in and come to the weigh in to cheer as the fish are weighed for each participant. We then have Dana’s famous fish tacos and other great food.

Since we don’t get RSVP for a head count we never know how many members will come to each event, so we ask everyone to bring a side dish. This way we have a variety of food and snacks for all that come.

Look for more interesting IOP history in the newsletters to come and keep emailing me regarding what events and information you are interested in seeing in your newsletter.

See you in the IOP,

Terry Aikens


President’s Message – April 2012

1 May

How long have you been a resident in the Isle Of Pines and what changes have you seen?

How many generations have made the IOP their home, such as Gardners, Eastburn, Whitfield and Cox family? Do you have some interesting stories of what it was like way back when?

If so email me or Bill Anderson at or set up a time to get together so we can share this infor- mation with the residents in the IOP. We will use the newsletter for sharing the information and we would like to pull from the archives some information to do a timeline of the history of the IOP. I just heard today from Dana Aikin that they used to collect sap from the pine trees to make it into turpentine. There were camps set up and some old pine trees still show the cuts from this process.

Our neighborhood is unique in that there are no two houses exactly alike and that there have been many people that have left impressions of their lives in the IOP. When you move into the IOP you hear your house is referred to by the last owner of the house. Especially if the last owner had lived there a long time, or had done some improvements or that they were well known in the neighborhood. Of course over time the next owner will leave their impression on the house and its referral may change to that owner.

No matter what changes have been made with new houses being built or improvements it is the lives of its residents that leave their mark the most.

Share some of your earliest memories you have of the IOP and let’s keep making memories of our own! See you in the IOP!

Terry Aikens


President’s Message – March 2012

1 Apr

Thank you all for making the St. Patrick’s Party such a great time! Nickie and Keb Bazinet got their green on and won movie tickets, they won by the square inch of greendown to the green shamrock socks and boxers! Thank you Brooke for doing such agreat job decorating and John for the music. Great food, music and friends!Our IOP Association relies on our great volunteers and we want to thank all of you thatvolunteered for the Triathlon especially on Sunday in the worst weather. Josh has takenaway the crumbling stone picnic tables. Thank you Josh we are almost out of the stoneage in the IOP! We are all volunteers in different ways, picking up trash while enjoyingthe park, making sure the bathrooms are closed and the lights off, making sure the gateis closed and locked. Please close the gate and lock it even if you enter the park for amoment it is an insurance requirement that this is done.

If you would like to suggest a new idea for an IOP function please email me or come toone of our events or meetings. You do not have to be a board member to participate inan event. Also, one of your privileges for being a member is to be able to reserve theIOP park for a private event..birthday, wedding, BBQ, contact Janet to reserve your dateand fill out the park reservation form on our website. Our grill has been redesigned andfabricated by Ian Aikens it is for propane use only. Great job Ian!

See you at the IOP Easter Party. Cheer on all ages of children hunting for Easter Eggs,and then cheer the adults on as they scramble for Easter Eggs. Most entertaining timewith coffee, juice and danishes and prizes. All ages come down ahead of time to helpthe Easter Bunny hide eggs.

See you in the IOP!

Terry Aikens